Scrapy-Cookies at a glance

Scrapy-Cookies is a downloader middleware for Scrapy.

Even though Scrapy-Cookies was originally designed for cookies save and restore (manage the login session), it can also be used to share cookies between various spider nodes.

Walk-through of an example spider

In order to show you what Scrapy-Cookies brings to the table, we’ll walk you through an example of a Scrapy project’s settings with Scrapy-Cookies using the simplest way to save and restore the cookies.

Here’s the code for settings that uses in memory as storage:

    'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.cookies.CookiesMiddleware': None,
    'scrapy_cookies.downloadermiddlewares.cookies.CookiesMiddleware': 700,



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Put this in your project’s settings, and run your spider.

When this finishes you will have a cookies file in the folder .scrapy under your project folder. The file cookies is the pickled object contained cookies from your spider.

What just happened?

When you run your spider, this middleware initializes all objects related to maintaining cookies.

The crawl starts to send requests and receive responses, at the same time this middleware extracts and sets the cookies from and to requests and responses.

When the spider stopped, this middleware will save the cookies to the path defined in COOKIES_PERSISTENCE_DIR.

What else?

You’ve seen how to save and store cookies with Scrapy-Cookies. And this middleware provides an interface to let you customize your own cookies storage ways, such as:

  • In-memory storage, with ultra-fast speed to process
  • SQLite storage, with ultra-fast speed when uses memory database, and easy to read and sharing with other process on disk databases
  • Other database like MongoDB, MySQL, even HBase to integrate with other programmes across your

What’s next?

The next steps for you are to install Scrapy-Cookies, follow through the tutorial to learn how to create a project with Scrapy-Cookies and join the community. Thanks for your interest!